Monday, October 8, 2007


Wow God sure does answer prayers!! We have found a great church to become involved in. There are a lot of younger families and a lot of kids (not as many as Caledonia CRC - as I hear there are a handful+ pregnant women). We have really enjoyed the services as they were doing a series on the 40 days of Purpose. We joined a bible study group and have really gotten to know a few people. I even had one of the moms over for a play date with her two little ones. (I received my baby fix - she has a 2 month old boy). This past Saturday they had a celebration of the end of the 40 days. Great activities for young and old. We listened as little kids recited the verses they have learned over the past 4 weeks along with testimonies on how the past 40 days have affected people and their lives. Here are some pictures of the event:
Scott on one end of the rope

Maddie and Alex on the other end! Alex playing volleyball on Scotts shoulders
Alex doing the sack race Me and Robin doing the three legged race (this picture is for my dad who says I do not have enough pictures of me on the blog).

The kids reciting their verses - also a look at what the front of our church looks like)

We are very grateful that we have found a church to attend. It is so important to become part of a christian family. From the first Sunday we walked into the church we have instantly become part of their family. As I was sitting in church on Sunday morning I was reflecting on how cool it is that even being across the world there are people everywhere praising God. I am currently in the process of maybe heading up a Friday night program consisting of grades 2-5. I am thinking of a GEMS and a Cadet program. The children's ministry leader is going over the curriculum I have given her (I think I have talked her ear off with all of my excitement!!). Please pray that if it is God's will to have such a program that it will be easy to get started. The church is very excited about outreach and getting the Word out to all.

Eastside recently built a new church building and one of the things that struck me the most was an "alter of rocks" At the dedication ceremony they had everyone take a rock from their community and place it in this pile. They hope that that will symbolize the commitment they have to outreach to everyone in their communities and further.

Please pray for us as we continue to meet new people and become more involved in the church. We are excited to see how God will use this church to reach out to others!!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you guys found a good church to go to. Looks like fun. Praying that a GEMS program may start there. Miss and Love you lots.

Sara said...

PS: I forgot to tell you that you've been tagged by me. Lucky you.

denise said...

So happy that you found a church where you feel so comfortable and welcome. God is so good! Having a church family to worship with each week is so important. I can't imagine life without it. Love you, Mom and Dad