Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Last Few Days

This is a random blog entry - things we have done the last few days, thoughts I have had and more pictures for you to enjoy!!

We of little faith - We joked about our Internet the last blog. Low and behold the next day it was turned back on (something we never expected!!). So back to blogging and making phone calls to people back home!!


Watching and Playing Rugby!! GO SPRINGBOKS!!

We had the privilege of witnessing the SA Rugby team making it to the World Cup! We were invited to a friends house for a get together and to watch the game. It was a great evening! and yes SA won!!

Scott and the kids "trying" to play touch rugby!

Even the kids got into it and had their faces painted. They wanted the American flag painted on their face, but this is what they got!

Did you know that the USA has a rugby team nicknamed the Eagles?!? I did not know until there was a game between SA and the USA. (I was told that we are not very good!)

Watching the sunset

Maddie in front of a huge row of roses. The rose bushes here are so beautiful. It seems in the US you need to have a good sense of rose growing to grow beautiful roses. Here there are rose bushes everywhere and they need very little maintenance! They bloom 10 months of the year!!

As Maddie was admiring the roses the saying 'Stop and Smell The Flowers' came to mind. It is a reminder, for each of us, to stop rushing because time passes quickly. Stop! and enjoy the day, the moment and the minute. Each minute that you miss, is time lost and will not come again. Give thanks to God for all your blessings!! It is amazing that God must of knew that I needed time to SLOW down. It seemed back home I was always busy and not stopping!! I have been awaken to the slow paced culture here. I now have moments (a lot) to reflect on my life, relationship with God, my kids, my husband, and my family and friends back home. Things I took for granted sometimes back home.
On Tuesday Maddie's class had a class trip to the zoo. It is an amazing zoo!! I went along with a few other moms and Alex.

Maddie's class

I rented a go cart to help Alex make it through the whole zoo. It is huge! Little did I know that it is mainly up hill - Boy did I get my work out for the day!!

Having Lunch

Some of the other moms (Charmaine and Marian) that I have gotten to know over the past few months.

Maddie and her classmates Mariska and Ashley

Having ice cream of course!

A stream running through the middle of the zoo.

Stopping to admire and smell the flowers! (seems like a theme here lately!)

We had a great day and a great time!


denise said...

What great pictures once again. Thanks for the update on the "little things" we all take for granted. The saying is so true, that you never know what you've got til it's gone, and being separated from all of you has been difficult but truly makes us all realize how much we mean to each other.
Loved seeing a picture of you Lia! Looks like SA is being good to you. You have a nice tan a beautiful smile and lots of friends as well! The kids face painting is great! Someone did a good job and it must have been fun for them. So glad you're enjoying your new friendships. God is so good!
Love you, Mom D

Anonymous said...

Nice post, Lia. Nice to see you in one agian. Kids looks happy. Make sure you give them hugs from me. Also......need to see some pictures of Scott.

Anonymous said...

Nice post, Lia. Nice to see you in one agian. Kids looks happy. Make sure you give them hugs from me. Also......need to see some pictures of Scott.

Anonymous said...

Well first on well done to SA for beating us Brits in the rugby - the best team won!

Well hi from Dubai - We admire your blog and our blog is called ' GO! Smell the flowers' - a thriving community that we run in Dubai - you're welcome anytime and keep up the great blog!

GO! Smell the flowers.

Anonymous said...

Still a few roses blooming in our yard....a good reminder, Lia. My favorite word is 'sip' - taking time to savor the moments rather than gulping them down :)
You and the kids look great and the places you're seeing are amazing!
Sending love and hugs to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott, Lia, Maddie and Alex from Florida. Every-one is looking happy and healthy, what an experience you are having. YES, stop and enjoy the day--life is short, I just lost a brother-in-law last week. Love to all, "great" grandma and grandpa Z.