Friday, February 6, 2009

Yes - I am updating my blog!

Well here is a little inside scoop on Alex - He is loving Pre-K!! One of the things they have been doing is taking home a "theme" bag. Alex's theme bag last weeks was all about music! He loved it. He was introduced to many musical instruments - the cymbal, drum, recorder and xylophone. Personally, I think that the recorder needs to be banned! Those things are so loud. Alex was marching around the house just a whaling on the recorder! He had a blast - Me not so much. Finally, I tried to show him how to play Hot Cross Buns - with many attempts it did not go so well. I did eventually convinced him to play the xylophone and he could play any song he wanted. He did great and my ears got a little bit of a rest from the recorder. The best thing about these "theme" bags is he learns so much and he gets to return them the next time he goes to school! I wonder what will be next!?