Friday, February 6, 2009

Yes - I am updating my blog!

Well here is a little inside scoop on Alex - He is loving Pre-K!! One of the things they have been doing is taking home a "theme" bag. Alex's theme bag last weeks was all about music! He loved it. He was introduced to many musical instruments - the cymbal, drum, recorder and xylophone. Personally, I think that the recorder needs to be banned! Those things are so loud. Alex was marching around the house just a whaling on the recorder! He had a blast - Me not so much. Finally, I tried to show him how to play Hot Cross Buns - with many attempts it did not go so well. I did eventually convinced him to play the xylophone and he could play any song he wanted. He did great and my ears got a little bit of a rest from the recorder. The best thing about these "theme" bags is he learns so much and he gets to return them the next time he goes to school! I wonder what will be next!?


jonna said...

I am glad you updated your blog. It just showed up for me today for some odd reason even though it is dated February 6. We had recorders for the kids in Africa and we took them away because we felt bad for Amos, the gardener. They were so loud!!

Anonymous said...

oh my word he is a ham!

Jackie Veenstra said...

Oh yes, the recorder! I so loved it when I had it in school but that was probably 5th grade. We called it a tonet. It should be banned but I'm glad you can hear that "beautiful music to your ears" just as I did many years ago with you!
Enjoy the noise!
love you.

joan b. said...

Hi, Sweet Lia - I'm going down the list of blog links on my site and see that most of you have left the blogosphere and gone over to fb....I'll watch there for you and pics of your precious kids!
Love you!