Thursday, July 3, 2008

As Decisions are being made....

We just want to say thank you to everyone who has sent emails of encouragement and all your prayers! We greatly appreciate them. This has been a crazy adventure for us and we are grateful for everything we have seen and done. This was a little piece of encouragement Scott received recently and I thought I would share it:

.......If it seems almost insurmountable at times, remember that time seems to give answers as to what the Lord's programme is. He is in control always, and He has a plan that goes well beyond our finite business plans.....possibly He even plans that we table/abort our plans 'til a later date or 'til things open up at a future date'. ......Possibly He wants us to wait 'til the developer gets clearance in a year or two before going forward......whatever happens I can assure you that you'll look back on these things/experiences as growing and memorable ones.

We will keep you updated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will continue to pray for safe travels home. I know it's probably a little bittersweet....but I am excited to have you come home :) I miss you.