Thursday, July 31, 2008


Glory Baby - Watermark

I want to say thank you to everyone who has sent us emails of encouragement and comfort during the past few days.

On Monday I went in for a normal 13.5 week check up for our baby. I had Maddie and Alex with me and we were so excited to see the baby again. Our 9 week check up was amazing - we saw the baby moving and a fast heartbeat. But on this visit the baby was only measuring 12.5 weeks and the doctor could not find a heartbeat. I was looking on the screen at the baby and my heart stopped a beat and I just prayed - please let this be a mistake! He just isn't looking hard enough! It was so hard to keep myself together so the kids were not alarmed, I did not feel that they needed to know right then - I still needed to tell Scott.

I got home and told Scott news that I was never expecting to tell. We had lost our baby and we just cried! It seems like we already had these amazing plans for this baby. He/She was so much a part of our family already. He/She brought so much happiness and love.

Yesterday I had a D&C in a foreign hospital, with foreign doctors, but had Scott there every step. I am so grateful for a husband like him. He held my hand and made sure I was OK.

This definitely was a day that we wished we were back home in the states! We do have to say that even though we were far from home - We could feel the love and comfort from everyone praying for us! God is still amazing and even if we can not understand why this happened, We know God is still here. He has comforted us and held us during this time and we feel at peace. We are also blessed with amazing friends here who were also praying and welcoming our kids for a few days. We are sure glad we have such amazing faith and hope in God and that we have such amazing families and friends. We do not know how anyone can go through a sad time like this without God and family and friends!

Please continue to pray for me/us as I woke up this morning with this very empty feeling. I feel like I am missing a part of me and it is so sad.

Pray as we continue to pack and head for home! We are so HAPPY to be going home in 15 days!! We are so excited to get off the plane and see everyone again! We need those hugs!



Unknown said...

Lia & Scott, I'm so sorry for your loss. I will definitely say a couple extra prayers for your family...praying for comfort and peace.

Michelle said...

Lia, thank you for sharing you thoughts with us. I am also thankful that you have Scott by your side during this painful time. May you hold close to each other and to God!
We love you and will be waiting with open arms when you arrive home.

ASchaaf said...

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your baby. I will be praying for your family.

Beverly said...

Lia I stumbled upon you blog sometime ago and have read it quite often since then. I have a strong love for Africa and seeing the work you and your family are doing there has made me hopeful that someday our day will come where we will actually be on African soil. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of this child. I just pray that God will hold you and your family close during this time. You are amazing people and your faith is strong in him. Just allow him to carry you through this.

Katie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your baby. Your blog post made me cry! I'm glad to hear everything went well with the procedure and we will keep you guys in our prayers. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Lia,Scott, Maddie and Alex

You are all in my prayers....and I am so sorry to hear of the loss of "the little munchkin". I too cried when reading your post and wished I could go and give you hugs....I will just have to wait a couple more weeks....

Love you lots and lots...

GOTG said...

My heart just hurts for you and Scott and the kids. We are thinking of you often, hoping that in the loss there is a moment of peace. We send our prayers and best wishes....
Jeni & Cary

Anonymous said...

Oh Lia. I, too, am so sorry. Know that we are thinking of you and praying. We understand too well. Love you guys!

Sonny Huisman said...

Lia . . . oh Lia . . . I am so sorry to hear of your loss! I know all too well the pain of losing a baby . . . and all too well the emptiness you feel right now.

It makes my heart ache so much for you guys right now. It's so easy for me to be right back in that pain.

Please know that we love you so much and have been holding you up before our Father in prayer! He knows your pain . . . and ONLY HE can fill the emptiness you feel.

I can't wait to hug you when you get back!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lia & Scott,

We just wanted to let you know that you are in our prayers. May God comfort you with His everlasting peace in this extremely difficult time. We love you lots and we will miss you guys in SA!! See you soon.

With a HUGE hug from Austria,
Mirjam, Alex and the Kids

MikeandLynette said...

Hey Lia & Family... may you find peace and comfort during this difficult time. Remember, God has a HUGE plan for all of you!

Ecclesiastes 7:14

MiniMe Mom said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. Praying for God to fill that empty space, comfort in the days ahead, and also safety for your trip home!

Marva's "Marvalous" Memories said...

Dear Lia - it was so nice to 'talk' to you last week. We are keeping you in our prayers and can't wait to give you a huge hug!! Love to all of you! Aunt Marva

LCHS 2013 said...

Lia...know that our hearts break for you and that you and your family are in our prayers out here in WA.