Thursday, July 10, 2008


A few days ago I asked the kids to get their shoes on because it was time to go. Alex with the greatest excitement says "Are we going home today?!?"

Not today Alex, but in 6 weeks we will be heading home! The news is bittersweet. We are so excited to go home and "start over" and to especially see our family and friends. On the other hand we are so sad to leave here. We have really met some great friends and we feel like we have come to a "normal" here. Scott (I am sure) is disappointed in how things are turning out for the business, but is still hopeful for the company after we leave. He is still working hard! Actually yesterday was his first sale!!! HE SOLD 200 blocks!! YEAH! Funny how that happens a few days after a decision has been made to come home!

Anyway, the kids and I have been spending extra time with our friends here. We went to another animal sanctuary with our friends Laura and her kids Caleb and Samuel. Laura has become such a dear friend to me. She is so full of encouragement, excitement, and just plain fun!! She is a type of person who you want to be around because of all her positive energy!

Here are some photos of our day together. While the kids played in the sandbox (almost 45min) Laura and I got to just enjoy time together. It is so sad to me to leave friends behind. It was easier leaving friends in the states because I knew I would see them again soon, but here it is much harder! I am not sure if we will be back (or at least anytime soon).

Oh and the first picture is of Maddie and her new smile, missing a tooth!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

1 comment:

joan b. said...

What an incredible year you've had! I remember the day Hogie returned to Germany and we wondered if we'd ever see him again. We were teary all day. As it turns out, we have seen him many times over the years and now visit him and his family in Seattle when we visit Laura and Ben. Funny how life twists and turns....We'll look forward to your safe arrival back home!