Thursday, September 13, 2007

A is for Apple

Since I have so much time on my hands - I decided to do a little "homeschooling" with Alex. HE LOVES IT!! The first words out of his mouth in the morning (6:30am) - "Mom, when are we going to do school?" Now if anyone knows me I am definitely NOT a morning person. So my typical response is - "In a couple hours!" The best part of this whole set up is that when I do not feel like it - I don't have to do it. The problem is then I hear about it all day.

We are doing the alphabet. When we are learning the letter Alex always says - "I know, I know, I know, Mom - this is easy peasy!" We finally got to the letter D for Dinosaur!!

Our wall of Letters - Alex excited about the letter D!

With each letter we do a craft - D is for Dinosaur Diorama - You like it?! Now he has a little scenery for his dinosaurs!

This craft was a mess of a lifetime - We did paper mache alligators (oh course maddie had to do one too) I would not recommend doing this - How come is the bigger the mess the more fun the kids have!

My hat off to all the teachers out there!! - this really is not my cup of tea (and to think I am only teaching one kid). It really has been great to see him learn and having so much fun with it! He is a sweetheart! There is nothing like spending quality time together.


Anonymous said...

Lia, you amaze me! I am so glad that you guys are settling in a bit more. The kids seem to be doing great, and you have a big hand in that. I hope that you have another great experince at church on Sunday.

Jonna Fey

Anonymous said...

i love alex's big smile. so precious. give him hugs from me. and maddie too. i will have to quiz him next time on the phone.

Marva's "Marvalous" Memories said...

Wow - a teacher huh?? It looks like you're doing a great job and that your prize student is pretty happy with his teacher. How neat!! I can't believe how old Alex looks!! Keep up the great work!! Love ya! Aunt Marva

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Maddie's teacher and Happy Spring Break to you! Love seeing all the pictures and updates and knowing you are all well and adapting to life in s.a. Sending love and prayers....