Monday, May 19, 2008

Alex and Neo

Alex and Neo
Originally uploaded by lialeenstra
Alex has found a new friend! Grandma sent Alex his very own Webkinz. I knew it was coming in the mail, but I never imagined how much excitement it was going to bring Alex.

We have to drive to the Post Office to get mail out of our PO Box. We go there almost every day! Alex and Maddie take turns in opening the box. On this day it was Alex's turn. Inside the box was a slip of paper saying that we have a PACKAGE to pick up! This already gets both kids lit up!! They pretty much drop all the other mail (which I have to pick up) and then they run into the mall to the Post Office. We wait in the LONG line. Waiting in line patiently with 2 very excited kids does not work to well. I am always apologizing to the people in front or in back (if they understand English) of us because the kids keep jumping into them.

Well we finally got the package in our hands - and off to the car we go. (You do not want to open your package there in the mall, due to someone maybe watching and interested in stealing it). As we head to the car, I can read what is in the package - book, candy/gum, and stuffed animal. Oh today it the day Alex has been waiting for.

You see in our house - we are all addicted to Webkinz. Maddie received one for Christmas. He is a golden retriever named, Riley (named after our dog we left behind). On the website of Webkinz you can feed the animal, create rooms for it to live in, play games to win webkinz money, buy it clothes to wear on the web. Maddie has a 10 room area going on. Garden that she tends to with Riley, and a beach room, pool, bathroom etc. Now when I say we are all addicted - I am saying that because in order to buy rooms, things to go in the room, food, and clothes you need to get money. You play games to win money. So at night one day, I thought wouldn't it be nice if I played games and surprise Maddie with a bunch of money in the morning. Well I haven't been able to stop. So anyway - Alex has been wishing for his own Webkinz since christmas.

Back to the story - We are in the car and we open the package - there is a green tissue paper gift right on top for Alex. He tears it open - and I was not sure if he was going to pass out or what. He was literally shaking. He is staring at his new Leopard Lizard and he screams - "MY VERY OWN WEBKINZ!!" Now he was shaking to begin with so his voice trembled!! I have NEVER seen a kid so excited!! He made me smile - I wish I could have video taped it. After the shock of his discovery, he then proceeded to talk about how much he missed Grandma and America! SO SAD (I get emotional when they talk about how much they miss home). The whole trip home, Alex could not stop talking - SO EXCITED.

He now has his very own WEBKINZ and we are already accumulating the webkinz dollars! This picture is what I saw at night when I checked on him before I went to bed. He is in love - and has a new friend named NEO!!


Anonymous said...

So cute!!!!

Love and Miss you lots!!!

Dana said...

My kiddos are webkinz lovers as well.

Jonathan said that if he had a million dollars he would...not buy food for those who have it...not buy us a permanent home in the, he would buy EVERY WEBKINZ IN THE WORLD.

They've got him good.

denise said...

I am so glad that Alex is enjoying his new found friend and that it brought you so much excitement as well! I would have loved to have been there to see his face. I really didn't know it would be such a hit but I'm so happy for all of you! Hopefully the kids won't be fighting over who gets to use the computer now! Love the picture too! Love you all, Mom D