Friday, June 15, 2007


You may be wondering what is going on in Lia's head in these last final weeks. I can sum it up into a bunch of emotions. It amazes me how many emotions you can have in a single moment.

Happy – that the house has sold, that God is showing us that this is the path we are suppose to take, for a wonderful husband who puts up with my many spur of the moment emotions, for all of those who are taking care of loose ends while we are gone, that our dog Riley will have a great home, for those who have blogs to help me stay connected.

Sad – the people we are leaving behind, our dog, our church family, everything that is familiar, that Madison’s stomach hurts every night because she is nervous,

Exhausted – Physically, mentally, and emotionally

Excited – Wow what an adventure - New culture, new food, new people to meet, an opportunity to witness, New furniture, going to the Pretoria Zoo, to take my passion of GEMS to a whole new part of the world, the new bonding of our family and marriage,

Nervous – I am nervous about the unknown – What is it really going to be like? Are the kids going to like it? Will we all adjust? What about a good church family? Am I going to feel so alone? Is this too far out of my comfort zone? Is Scott going to get his job/new company going?

Blessed – I have always realized how blessed I am, but these last few weeks, I have really seen all the blessing I have – Family – Friends – Kids - Scotts job, Church family

Loved – I am feeling very loved and encouraged by family and friends.

Angry – that I can not seem to get myself to pack up the house. Who in the right mind waits for last minute!!!! As I say – I am the most productful when the push comes to shove.

Comforted – Knowing that God’s hand was and is in every step of this process. He was there at the GEMS Convention when I stated that I would go to Africa to help the GEMS clubs there (little did God know that I was joking – or so I thought), He was there when Scott and I decided to put our name in the “drawing” to go to South Africa – He was there in the room when Scott’s work decided we were the ones to go – He was there when we told our family and friends our big decision – He was there through the process of getting papers filed, shots administered, etc – He was there on our pre trip – He was there for the selling of our house – He is here during the last few weeks of preparation – and I truly believe that he is in South Africa in our new home preparing the place, people, school, and Scott’s new job. He will continue to be with us and he will also be here with those that we leave behind. What a comfort! God is good!!!!

Please continue to pray for us as the date is fast approaching!!


Katie said...

I can't even imagine! You seem to holding it together quite well. And if there is anything we can help with before you leave just let us know.

Love you!

denise said...

you make me cry!
sure will miss you but we know that God's hand has led you this far and He won't let go.
This next week will be a struggle but you have so many people around you who love you and want to help. You just need to let us know what you need.
Looking forward to the party tomorrow! We'll make some more memories.
Love you all so much, Mom

Sonny Huisman said...

You have so many people praying for you - and loving you . . . don't forget that. You may be moving halfway across the world, but our prayers and love will be just as effective "over seas" - and God's hand of protection is just as close there as it is here!

We love you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Scott, Lia, Madison and Alex:
We were so sorry that we could not attend your "farewell and birthday" party, heard it was great.
We pray that all goes well with you travel, adjustments and work all go well.
Your story about Maddie and her shots reminded me of Marva when I took her for shots years ago, she hid under a chair too.
Our love and prayers, Sincerely sent Grandpa and Grandma Zeeff