Thursday, February 21, 2008


Scott's Mom and Dad are having a great time. They are enjoying the sites here, they saw part of Scott's work, they enjoyplaying with the kids, but most of all they are relaxing!! Mom is always asking what she can do! She has done dishes, laundry, and made her tuna pasta salad - I didn't let her do too much (thanks Mom for the help!) It is great to see them reading thier books in the sun, sitting by the pool (and swimming), and playing Uno with the kids.

Trying to read and get a tan in the 90 degree - no clouds in the sky day (yes I am rubbing it in a little - I here it is cold back home- sorry)
Our cat Sylvester is taking a special liking to Dad.

Maddie distirbing thier peace by doing a cannonball right next to them!! They did get wet!

We visited the Pretoria Zoo - Alex wanted to show them the sharks and Maddie was excited to show them all the exotic birds and elephants.
The Shark
photo in front of the world's largest fish
Some curious random bird
looking at all the animals - The kids took turn driving and riding the go cart. Grandpa did a lot of pushing too!

the tiger was just fed a slab of raw meat (you can sort of see it underneath him) and he was not happy that we were watchig him - there was a moment I thought he was going to pounce toward us as a warning to stay away!
Alex gave the Day at the Zoo a thumbs up!!

Todays News

Scott's Dad was wearing his Tiger shirt today and Alex was wearing his so I had to take the photo (I had to convince Scott to also be in the picture with his Tiger's cap)
Maddie was feeling left out so she borrowed Scott's hat.

Well - we leave in the morning for our 10 day trip to Cape Town - WE ARE SO EXCITED to see more of South Africa. We are leaving at 5:00am - It is currently 12:02am - I should get some sleep. I hope to keep you updated on our trip as internet is available in most places we are going (or so they say). So keep checking and pray for us as we are traveling!!

Sorry about the typos - spellcheck will not work


Marva's "Marvalous" Memories said...

Looks like you're having a good time with grandpa and grandma Leenstra. I can't believe the animals!! Definitely Africa! I'm sure it's fun to have visitors! Love ya! Aunt Marva

LCHS 2013 said...

That's so great that some of your family came to visit you. When my mom came to WA, it was awesome! Email and blogging are great, but it's definitely not the same as having them see and experience your life in person...I hope you continue enjoying and relishing in your time together.
Kent and I are leaving on a red-eye tonight for MI - can't wait to see and hang out with my family, too! :)