Sunday, December 2, 2007


School is done for the year and Maddie graduated Kindergarten again. After a lot of prayer, we have decided to home school Maddie for the rest of the time we are in South Africa. It has been a tough decision. I am not sure if I am able to do a teachers job, but I will do my best. If Maddie stayed in the school she is in now she would be a full year behind when we go back home for good. The environment at the school is not a good place for Maddie. She cries a lot and is very angry. Pray that this decision to home school Maddie is a good one and that we have the right amount of patience to do it.
Wow it really does not feel like Christmas yet, especially with it being summer here. I am missing the cold weather and lights outside. I think I have only seen one house with lights on the outside. Another thing that is so different is Scott and I have only seen 1 Christmas commercial (and we have DSTV). Strange!

Here is Santa coming on the train to visit with the kids of the neighborhood. Maddie and Alex are running after it. I am not sure why they are not in the picture - I thought I captured the moment - oops. At least you will get the idea!


The kids are so excited to come home for Christmas (ME TOO)! They started a "Going to see Grandma and Grandpa" Paper Chain. It is always a race in the morning to count how many days are left! Our flight comes in at 8:00pm on December 14!!


I was taking pictures of the full moon one night and I was messing with the settings on my camera. Well, I went inside after failing to capture the moment, and went to take a picture of Scott playing with our cat. Here is how it turned out! Freaky!!


Here is an updated photo of Scott and Nkhensani. They needed to send one in for Innotec's Christmas photos.

It has been sad for me to see how slow and frustrating Scott's work is going. There have been a lot of roller coasters! God is good though and he definitely has a hand in all this (we can see it even though it is slow moving). I will let him update you on all that is going on.

Here is Scott's latest update:
We have had a ton of frustrations over that past couple of months with trying to set up our block yard. We have investigated a number of spots to put the block yard and each one has been a frustrating venture. The biggest problem has been getting commitments from the people we are trying to work with to rent property from. Since the set back at the sand quarry a couple weeks ago, we have been trying to work with another person where we can set up our machine. It has been two weeks of phone calls and responses like "I will call you in a couple of days when I get a chance to talk with so and so".

The latest big news has been that we may have an opportunity to purchase Hydraforms current block yard from them. It looks like a great opportunity and would get us a start with a number of customers, a completely set up block yard, and be able to accommodate almost any size order. We probably won't know for sure if this deal will go thru until after Christmas, but we are pretty excited about it.

I will be taking a trip to Mexico while we are back in the State over Christmas. Innotec has started a block business in Saltillo, Mexico and I am going there to see if I can help them out a bit and also learn from them as well. It should be interesting.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lia, I am so excited for you that you get to come home soon. I frequently check your blob, it has been interesting to watch your adventuer in South Africa. I have to say, I am a bit jeaulous, I would love to live in Africa some day. Chris and I have been praying for you and Scott and the kids. God is always so faithfull! If you have any questions about homeschooling I would be happy to help. There are lots of great books out there to help you figure out what will work for you and Maddie. We are on year 2 and we love it. You will do great! God will totally give you the grace for it! Have a great trip home and a wonderful christmas. Email me some time I would love to hear from you, ours is
Much Love,
Kelly G. (cousin)

Anonymous said...

Dude! Something is wrong with that cat! I bet you could sell him for a bundle to some freak show.


Anonymous said...

Wow - Dec. 14!! Can't wait to see you! I''m assuming you'll be at the family Christmas party, huh??? and then I get to see you (Lia) at the GEMS party on the 17th!! I'm sure you will do a great job teaching Maddie. It's sad that she doesn't like her school:-( Wouldn't that be great if you could buy an already-established business! It would make up for some of the delays. We're keeping you in our prayers. See you soon! Love, Aunt Marva

denise said...

Wow, graduating from Kindergarten twice! Maddie must be really ready for 1st grade and for Mommy to be her teacher will be the best! We will definately be praying about that!
So happy to hear things might be getting better for Scott. When God closes a door he opens a window, sometimes it just takes so long! His timing is perfect though and keep remembering you are where you are for His purposes.
By the way, what are you doing with your "freaky" cat while you're away? Might be difficult to get someone to take care of it if they saw that picture!
Paper chains are the best way for kids to visualize and realize days. I remember having paper chains often. Can't wait to see you all next week! Be safe and hope the long plane ride goes well.
Love you, Mom D

Katie said...

What a weird picture! Freaky how that happens sometimes.

Can't wait to see you friday - heard you are heading straight to Taco Bell :)